AuthorGianmarco Meli

Gianmarco Meli is a serial entrepreneur and e-commerce business owner with 6 years of e-commerce experience living and doing business in China.
He launched his first e-commerce startup in Shanghai in 2016, backed by Chinaccelerator (an SOSV venture capital fund), and subsequently moved to sell on Amazon a couple of years later. He graduated from "Run Like Clockwork", an accelerator program based on the best-selling book "Clockwork", where he learned to apply the best systems and methods to effectively scale operations of his Amazon business.
Now his mission is to leverage the power of systems, processes, and people to generate long-term impact with his businesses while sharing his knowledge and helping other entrepreneurs master the art of business efficiency along the way.

The Workflow to Level Up your PPC Game

Join Gianmarco Meli with Mina Elias to discuss the step-by-step workflow to take your PPC advertising to the next level. Mina is the CEO of MMA Nutrition LLC and the founder of PPC University. He shares why it is crucial to understand the entire...

6 Methods to Find Suppliers in India

Join Gianmarco Meli with Meghla Bhardwaj to discuss finding suppliers in India as an alternative to sourcing from China. Meghla has over 20 years of experience in the Asia sourcing industry. She shares why India should be considered as a sourcing...

Simplify Planning Like a War Planner

Join Gianmarco Meli with Amy Wees as they talk about military planning methods applied to business. Amy Wees is a former war planner of the US Air Force turned e-commerce seller. She lays out a simplified way of planning, military-style. Here’s a...

Kill Your Conversion Killers on Shopify

Join Gianmarco Meli with Joris Bryon as they talk about conversion rate optimization. Joris is the founder and CEO of, a remote team of e-commerce, conversion optimization, and email marketing specialists. He shares their proprietary...

3x Efficiency with Time Tracking and the 4D Mix

Join Gianmarco Meli with Adrienne Dorison as they talk about a powerful yet simple method to multiply efficiency and productivity: Time Tracking. Adrienne is the CEO and co-founder of Run Like Clockwork, along with Mike Michalowicz, bestselling...

25 Point System to Validate your Product

Join Gianmarco Meli with Tony Boffa as they talk about an efficient point-based system to validate a product effectively before moving ahead with it. Tony is the co-founder of Bilzar, an Amazon and Walmart approved service provider and consultant...

The Product Launch Tracker to Rule them All

Join Gianmarco Meli with David Lang and Ryan Sherrard talking about how they set up and scale their launches for sustainable growth. David is a pilot while Ryan is a scientist, and together, they set up a successful 7 figure business on Amazon...

Intro – Scale with People & Processes

Hello hello changemakers, welcome to the intro episode of the Seller Process Podcast, the show for Amazon sellers and ecommerce entrepreneurs with this one promise: after each episode you’ll walk away with either a template, a roadmap, an SOP...


Capturing Systems & Creating SOPs

The ultimate guide to systemize your business and accomplish more with less!

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The Seller Process
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