13 Steps to Find an A-player VA

Join Gianmarco Meli with Gilad Freimann to discuss the 13 steps to search, vet, and hire great e-commerce virtual assistants (VAs).Gilad Freimann is the co-founder and CEO of VAA Philippines, a company specializing in VA services for Amazon sellers. He breaks down how they train VAs to do almost any job in Amazon and other services.
Here’s a breakdown of what to expect in this episode:

– VAA Philippines’ 13-step process to hiring VAs
– Tips and tricks for the job ad to attract the right candidates
– How to make the most out of an initial interview
– Criteria to adopt when finally vetting an applicant
– Things to be aware of when starting to work with a VA
– And so much more!

Download the 13 Steps Recruitment Process used by VAA to find, vet and hire A-players Virtual Assistants!

About Gilad Freimann:

Gilad Freimannhas been an Amazon seller since 2015 and is the co-founder and CEO of VAA Philippines.
VAA specializes in providing highly-skilled, screened, and trained virtual assistants from the Philippines to Amazon sellers worldwide. Today, VA Academy has approximately 200 virtual assistants working for them. These VAs are trained to do almost any job on Amazon Seller Central. Other VA’s specialize in social media, Amazon PPC, graphic design, and Arbitrage.

Visit Gilad’s website to recruit a highly skilled and vetted VA:

Tools & Useful Resources:

Helium 10 – Essential tool to perform most of the operations related to your product research before deciding where to source it

Get 10% off a month for lifetime with code

THESELLERPROCESS10”: https://bit.ly/3ATFyHv

Note: these are affiliate links that will give you a discount if you decide to subscribe to the tool, and will give me a small commission to help to support the generation of free content like this episode. I personally use these tools in my own private label brand therefore I recommend sellers to take advantage of them to simplify and automate their operations.

Gianmarco Meli is a serial entrepreneur and e-commerce business owner with 6 years of e-commerce experience living and doing business in China.
He launched his first e-commerce startup in Shanghai in 2016, backed by Chinaccelerator (an SOSV venture capital fund), and subsequently moved to sell on Amazon a couple of years later. He graduated from "Run Like Clockwork", an accelerator program based on the best-selling book "Clockwork", where he learned to apply the best systems and methods to effectively scale operations of his Amazon business.
Now his mission is to leverage the power of systems, processes, and people to generate long-term impact with his businesses while sharing his knowledge and helping other entrepreneurs master the art of business efficiency along the way.

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