Hi, fellow entrepreneur!
This is Gianmarco, I’m an Amazon seller and the host of The Seller Process Podcast.
I’ve dedicated the majority of my working life to the mastery of fundamental business skills, with a particular focus on the development of systems and standard procedures inside organizations, which I’ve found is what sets the difference between being a real entrepreneur or simply a business owner.
I wrote this guide to give you all the essential information you need to start creating effective systems and SOPs in your business as well. I am condensing 100s of hours of study, trial and error, and experiences in what I hope you’ll find a value-packed guide on capturing systems and creating SOPs.
In this guide you will discover:
– What are SOPs and why are they so important
– A quick experiment to generate your first SOP within minutes
– 5 different types of SOPs and what tools you can use to create them
– The in-depth structure of an SOP
– Real examples of the SOPs and templates I use in my Amazon business
– SOPs best practices and mistakes to avoid
– And much more!
Go grab your copy by simply inputting your name and email here! —>
To your productive week!